How to make a running man animation

To make this animation, you need to draw the sketches of the people.
 First, you need to do the path where the character will be running from. Rename the timeline and replace with road as follow:

The second thing to do for this animation, is its character. Insert new 4 timelines to do this.




 Each 4 timelines play different role to make this animation more lively. Look at below picture. In each 4 sec, a new pose will be put inside the timeline.
      i. At the first 4 sec, make the character move like a starting to accelerate.
      ii. Second, the character take a long step forward, make the character move forward by adjusting the place.
     iii. Third, the character will take another step to do a jump on the box.
    iv. After that, the character will take another step to make a long jump.
    v. The character now ready to do a jump, adjust the hand like want to get the momentum to leap forward.
    vi. The character now are jumping over the box, make the leg a little bit longer to show the character was trying to jump further.
  vii. The character have jumped the box and trying to run forward.
 viii. The character trying to run fast, make the other side of leg longer than the other to show that the character was gaining momentum to run forward.

That is the step to make a running man with Frame-to-Frame animation.

How to make falling snow flakes

Making Snowflakes fall

First you need to open a new document file, there are many steps to open the documents, by pressing the "CTRL+N" or open the File at the top left corner and select "new". Import the background image to the library by clicking at the "File" panel and click at the "Import" and "Import to Library". As below, in number 1. The image will go directly to the Library panel at the right side of the stage. as in number 2.

Drag the picture from the library to the stage and rename the layer as background.

Make a new layer named snowflakes and find a snowflake image in folders or by searching through the internet. The simpler, the better. If the image have a background image or colour, use the trace bitmap to separate the image with its background. Press the delete button if the selected item has been select to delete.

Before and After using "trace Bitmap":

After that, double click the snowflakes image. It will go to a new window. Insert 3 keyframes in each 11sec at the timeline just like below. But the 11 to 24 will be a blank keyframe by inserting  "Blank Keyframe".

Then, the black dot at the11sec will make a new object. Make a new object by select and hold the mouse cursor at the rectangle tool and select the oval tool. Make the colour same as the snowflakes if possible. Put the white circle below the snowflakes so the snow flakes look falling.

The third dot will be the fading white ball, copy the same white circle but this time select the colour panel at the right side of the stage like below and select the "no color" button. Do the same thing like the white colour circle just now, put the no colour circle below the white circle to make it like fading and disappearing to thin air. 

After all that done. Go to the main scene by clicking at the top left corner of the stage. At the main scene, all the timeline of all the layers must be same as the tires but at this time, use the insert keyframe instead of keyframe. The timelines will should be like this.

Finally, copy the snowflakes and place it randomly at the stage and do the looping to make the snow falls randomly. Select the "Loop" at the properties panel under "LOOPING" button. Adjust the size to make it more 3D like.

How to make a simple movie clip

How to make?

First you need to open a new document file, there are many steps to open the documents, by pressing the "CTRL+N" or open the File at the top left corner and select "new". Below is the shortcut forms for menu commands.

Flash CS5 File Menu Commands
Close AllCtrl+Alt+WCommand+Option+W
Save AsCtrl+Sift+SCommand+Shift+S
Import: Import to StageCtrl+RCommand+R
Exit (PC)/Quit (Mac)Ctrl+QCommand+Q
Flash Professional CS5 Edit Menu Commands
Paste in CenterCtrl+VCommand+V
Paste in PlaceCtrl+Shift+VCommand+Shift+V
Select AllCtrl+ACommand+A
Deselect AllCtrl+Shift+ACommand+Shift+A
Timeline: Copy FramesCtrl+Alt+CCommand+Option+C
Timeline: Paste FramesCtrl+Alt+VCommand+Option+V
Flash Professional CS5 View Menu Commands
Magnification: 100%Ctrl+1Command+1
Magnification: Show AllCtrl+3Command+3
Snapping: Snap to ObjectsCtrl+Shift+/Command+Shift+/
Flash Professional CS5 Insert Menu Commands
New SymbolCtrl+F8Command+F8
Timeline: FrameF5F5
Flash Professional CS5 Modify Menu Commands
Convert to SymbolF8F8
Break ApartCtrl+BCommand+B
Shape: Add Shape HintCtrl+Shift+HCommand+Shift+H
Timeline: Distribute to LayersCtrl+Shift+DCommand+Shift+D
Timeline: Convert to KeyframesF6F6
Timeline: Convert to Blank KeyframesF7F7
Flash Professional CS5 Control Menu Commands
Step Forward One Frame. (period). (period)
Step Backward One Frame, (comma), (comma)
Test Movie: In Flash ProfessionalCtrl+EnterCommand+Return
Enable Simple ButtonsCtrl+Alt+BCommand+Option+B
Flash Professional CS5 Window Menu Commands
Movie ExplorerAlt+F3Option+F3
Other Panels: HistoryCtrl+F10Command+F10
Other Panels: SceneShift+F2Shift+F2
Hide PanelsF4F4

The Flash Professional CS5 Tools Panel

The Flash  CS5 Tools panel contains all the tools you need to draw and edit objects. At the bottom of the Tools panel are options that modify how the tools function. Shortcuts appear in brackets. Tools hidden in flyouts are in parentheses.

After that, make the background gray or any colour by selecting the "stage:" at the properties bar at the right corner. Select the rectangle tool to make the shapes of the background image of the buildings, roads, windows and the lights use pencil tool to make the trees and bushes. Make the colour more striking for better image. Just like below:

Use the "Line" tool to make the line at the road and the lights, try different size of lines by adjusting the strokes of the lines at the property panel on the right side of the stage.
Make sure all the buildings, trees lights and the other are in different types of layers to make sure that when editing is in progress, interruption will not occur. Don't forget to rename the layers. Just like below.

At the bottom of the layers name, there is a small trash can picture. The trash can represent the layers that want to be deleted by dragging the layer name and scroll to the trash can picture. At the middle of it, its the "new folder" panel which can manage the layers to one folder so the layer in the timeline look neat. At the left of the new folder panel is the "new layer" panel which the new layer will be placed at the stage for editing.

How to make the car moving

First, make a new layer and rename it. Separate the tire and the body so the tire will not mixed up with the body. Double click at the tire and a new window will be opened. Insert 3 keyframes in each 10sec at the timeline just like below by pressing F6 or manually with right click and "Insert Keyframe" just like below.

After that, go to each 5sec of the keyframes and go to the "Modify" panel at the top screen and go to "Transform" and rotate it to 90 degree CCW (Counter-Clockwise). The timeline will be like this.

After all that done. Go to the main scene by clicking at the top left corner of the stage.

At the main scene, all the timeline of all the layers must be same as the tires but at this time, use the insert keyframe instead of keyframe except the car layer. The timelines will should be like this.

At the car layer, use the "Insert Keyframe". Right click at the first black dot and click at the "Create Classic Tween" button. BEFORE THAT! make sure that the car in the first dot is at different places so the movement will be occur at the next dot. Preview the clip by pressing the "CTRL+ENTER". If satisfied, publish the clip by go through the "File" panel and click at the "Publish" button.

What is Adobe Flash CS5

Adobe Flash, commonly referred to simply as Flash, is a multimedia system for computers that is generally accessed through a web browser, though it is also used for standalone development and as a method of creating compelling user interfaces and menus on some cell phones. Flash is also the system that supports streaming video on sites like YouTube. Adobe is now promoting Flash through its Open Screen Project, which counts many other companies as members. Some phones make use of a system called Flash Lite, which offers a subset of the full Flash capabilities that is enough to enable most online Flash-based video content to be viewed.